"L'Est Républicain"
Mon 112 ème Interview
sur 121
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"L'Est Républicain"
Tournage du film
Réalisateur : Jennifer Devoldère
Karé Productions
Photo/Lien vidéo en tant que
Co-invité avec Philippe Candeloro
capturée pendant le tournage de
l'émission"C'est Mon Choix"
Sur Chérie25
Marché de Noël à Wisches
Je suis maintenant ami avec
Saint-Nicolas !
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"L'Est Républicain"
Capturée lors du
du court-métrage "POLU"
Réalisé par Guy Gauthier - UBC
Interview d'Audrey Fleurot.
sur France 2.
Réalisateur :
Jean-Philippe Amar
Tetra Media Fiction.
Figurants en arrière-plan,
y compris moi-même
Photo/Article "Voici"
Arrivée sur Tapis Rouge
Photos & Interviews
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Sous les projecteurs de la
Presse Internationale
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Photos de la Série TV "SAMBRE"
Épisodes 2 & 5
Réalisée par
Jean-Xavier De L'Estrade
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Last Book Published:
Article "L'Est Républicain"
Sur la 32 ème Journée régionale de
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La SEALB, c'est quoi ?
Qui ?
André Malraux, Albert Schweitzer,
Jean Cocteau, ...
Clique sur l'image ci-dessous
This is the page where all my books can be found.
Concerning the universe of "Les Mystiques Créatures", I would have taken 26 years to create it, even if it remains in perpetual expansion over the years and the consecutive lucid dreams from which it stems.
Each Tome can be read independently.
Apart from this universe, as you can see, I write in various fields or themes.
Thus, currently already published, you find:
° 2 High Fantasy Novels
° 1 Chronicle written with four hands (With an Author awarded 27 times)
° 1 Roman Sentimental
° 1 Moral Tale
° 1 Fantasy short story
° 1 Collection of Free Poetry
° 2 Immersive Testimonials
PCO (acronym of working title)
This is a rather special romance bringing together characters who, at first glance, were not supposed to meet.
(Romance Romance)
The Mystical Creatures:
Volume 4,
SLM (working title acronym)
A legend, beliefs, Mystical Creatures,
strange and timeless characters.
You will have to wait to experience these words aligned like a constellation.
(High Fantasy Novel)
(High Fantasy Novel)
The Mystical Creatures:
Volume 2,
The Legend of the Two Crowns
The Sanskrits, the Thorians, with the help of the Familiars, created this world alongside Mandâla, the Creator. Following the realization of Gaéa, here we are more than a millennium after Year Zero.
Year 1461, somewhere in Isobel, in the Palace of Krill.
Two giants, Ymir & Bôr, twin kings of this region seek a quarrel once again.
Once too many, no doubt.
They then decide to put an end to it by demonstrating, during a challenge in the form of an epic, which of the two will prove to be the strongest, the most ingenious, to leave its mark in the geography & history of the world.
During their journey, they will face obstacles, encounters, and unexpected monsters. Including a certain very mysterious mage.
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Know that each Tome of
"The Mystical Creatures"
can be read on its own, as each story is complete on its own.
However, Volumes 2, 3 and 4 form three narratives leading to events, which at certain chronological moments will join or intertwine.
Thus, for a simple clue, during his journey, a giant from Volume 2 encounters a dragon, then a character,
a knight who will be described from Volume 3.
Then in Volume 2 & Volume 3, you encounter events that will take place at the same time as at a specific moment only known in detail in and on the island present in Volume 4.
This cycle, like a slice of time, will give way to another era, other characters, ...
From Volume 5.
What awaits you in terms of quests & journeys in Volumes 6, 7 and 8 will still be to be discovered, but know that I already have my whole story in mind, as well as several dozen pages already written.
The Mystical Creatures:
Volume 1,
Waves of Time
This first volume is set at the very beginning of the creation of this universe. When the first sign of life rises within the latter in the form of an entity that can be said to be divine.
Events will occur, like a game of giant dominoes resulting in choices & consequences with long-term impact.
This work sets up the comprehension on certain basic rules of this world of Athanor and what will occur, thereafter and during the next volumes on the grounds of the small planet Gaéa.
Between Mythologies, Legends, and the appearance of certain characters or certain creatures who will be present there on a recurring basis, ...
Discover & be welcome in, "The Mystical Creatures"!
(High Fantasy Novel)
(High Fantasy Novel)
The Mystical Creatures:
Volume 2,
The Legend of the Two Crowns
The Sanskrits, the Thorians, with the help of the Familiars, created this world alongside Mandâla, the Creator. Following the realization of Gaéa, here we are more than a millennium after Year Zero.
Year 1461, somewhere in Isobel, in the Palace of Krill.
Two giants, Ymir & Bôr, twin kings of this region seek a quarrel once again.
Once too many, no doubt.
They then decide to put an end to it by demonstrating, during a challenge in the form of an epic, which of the two will prove to be the strongest, the most ingenious, to leave its mark in the geography & history of the world.
During their journey, they will face obstacles, encounters, and unexpected monsters. Including a certain very mysterious mage.
My first love
Lyrion is a versatile young checkout host.
Still a little shy, he lives a silent celibacy.
The day he begins to receive a piece of paper in his drawer, everything will change.
Bad taste joke or anonymous and sincere statement?
“Lucien No limit, yes. Neither age, nor skin color, culture, or even religion. The only thing that can disturb a sincere love that lives beyond a difference. It's the look. That of people who..."
(Sentimental novel)
(Moral Tale)
A help so simple
A knight on his mount, weary and tired of a fight won against a dragon, hears, three times, a cry for help.
Following this so, he finds himself facing a classy-looking house...
He uses his will to duty, in order to open it...
But what awaits him inside is absolutely not what he thought.
The Heart of Erben
(The Mystical Creatures)
In remote times, in a world called Athanor, there is a region called Columbine. The good King Erben makes peace reign there.
One evening, his sword, Angurva, shines like the sun. It is adorned with strange engravings along its blade:
"By the pierced-hearted dragon, the honored king. Dead or alive?".
Is this prophetic message heralding its own end?
What, exactly, is the evil that awaits him or his court?
Going to the large garden of Hopes, he will face his destiny.
The heroic days of Athanor are coming!
(New from Fantasy)
(Collection of free poetry)
Orb of a poetic past
Falling in love, having feelings, feeling something intense...
"Trying to describe, or deliver, these emotions, concretely, on the noble material that is paper....
To lay down, thus, a little of his soul in the breath of his pen... This is what I propose to you. A sincere sharing of the passion that animated me, intimately, at some point in my life.
Between love and seduction, many of the poems you are about to discover have never been entrusted to the interested parties."
"Love is a universal language that sometimes only requires a simple look, a gentle gesture, or even a simple silence, to express itself in the most intense way."
"La Femme: a diamond with a thousand faces whose complete and mysterious brilliance man will never be able to discover."
The Beautiful Suite
Take suitors with a so-called normal physique. Place some "beautiful kids" with a rare physique next to them. Add to this decorum a pretty girl looking for love...
Mix it all up, and let them know each other in a big house... All this is the basic principle of the show “La Belle Et Ses Princes”.
In my first book, La Belle...aventure, I described the backstage, deleted scenes, clashes and gossip in the cogs of this reality show.
In this second book, here I am to tell you in detail, what happened during my participation in its second season. No longer as a candidate/finalist.
But this time, as a companion, sincere friend of Anthony. More gossip, observations without language of wood, on what I saw, lived. Since the first opus, on the journey, and the charming encounters I have had along the way.
“Friendship is a favor given from one soul to another. »
“Life is made up of unforgettable contingencies that seem personalized. »
(Immersive Testimonial)
(Immersive Testimonial)
Preface written by Marine Boudou
The Beautiful Adventure
The program La Belle and her almost charming princes has revisited the concept of the bachelorette for the greatest pleasure of viewers: an idyllic setting, twelve suitors, and a young and attractive bachelor in search of true love.
While Beauty thought she was meeting irresistible Apollos, she discovers twelve suitors with very ordinary looks.
But soon, the impromptu arrival of eight "beautiful kids" with devastating charm erases her disillusion and exacerbates the rivalries between the candidates, ready for all the follies to conquer the heart of the princess... Will inner beauty take precedence? on outer beauty?
Thanks to this book, pierce the cogs of this reality show and understand how such an experience is lived on a daily basis. Ludo, a phenomenon in love with production, shares with us his experience as a suitor, his impressions, his remarkable operations, his laughter, his tears but also his bloodshed. !
He also reveals to us some crisp or spicy anecdotes, cut during the editing: never seen on TV!
We invite you to follow Ludo in this Belle. adventure and to (re)discover with emotion his disappointed love for Marine.
Will you choose to become one of its Lovelies or one of its best Noïïses?
Preface written by Marine de La Belle and her almost charming princes