"L'Est Républicain"
Mon 112 ème Interview
sur 121
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"L'Est Républicain"
Tournage du film
Réalisateur : Jennifer Devoldère
Karé Productions
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Co-invité avec Philippe Candeloro
capturée pendant le tournage de
l'émission"C'est Mon Choix"
Sur Chérie25
Marché de Noël à Wisches
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Saint-Nicolas !
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"L'Est Républicain"
Capturée lors du
du court-métrage "POLU"
Réalisé par Guy Gauthier - UBC
Interview d'Audrey Fleurot.
sur France 2.
Réalisateur :
Jean-Philippe Amar
Tetra Media Fiction.
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y compris moi-même
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My parents
Roger & Pauline JACQUEMER, were married on June 25, 1970.
They are both daughters and sons of resistance fighters.
(his birth name not having had the unanimous authorization of the entire family to provide, here, his birth surname, he is therefore not quoted).
Born on Monday, November 08, 1948, in the Vosges (88),
is the mother of two sons, Éric & Ludovic.
During her life, she made several professions:
Secretary & Shorthand Typist,
Seller of Cakes & Sweets to Louis XIX,
Home Child Care,
Housekeeper, with individuals and businesses, including pharmacies, furniture stores, and hairdressers,
As you will have understood, in the family of Ludovic JACQUEMER, alias "Ludovic Séant", we are hard workers.
Daughter of Marie-Louise, and Victor, Resistance FFI, Electrician by training, who will escape 4 times,
including twice escaped from a stalag based in the black forest, he is forced to jump into the Rhine with a lot of empty barrels attached by several leather belts linked together.
Since he was being chased and had nothing left to lose..
He will survive and return to Lorraine.
Loving and energetic woman,
lovely mom,
She enjoys playing lots of things.
(various and varied competitions, "grattes scratches", ... She quickly discovers a chance lined with intuitions that are out of the ordinary.
Moreover, all those who had the chance to know her during her lifetime can attest to this ^^)
Radio calls, (Rockin'Chair, Nrj, Fun Radio, France Bleue, ...), calls for TV competitions, including for France 3,she will accumulate the acquisition of gifts, prizes, stuffed animals, cinema tickets, ...
Preview tickets for, for example:
"Star Wars, episode 4", in new version at the time (THX)
(No time to sit down, her number is drawn then she wins a movie poster),
"The Firecracker Brothers",
(At the microphone, the number of her seat is again drawn by lot. She wins the poster of the film, as well as a 45 rpm record of the original soundtrack and a pair of gloves hand-delivered by the singer),
"Baby Smurf",
(Before even going there, here it is selected among many postcards.She wins the official plush toy of the film, a small rubber figurine representing another smurf, as well as a poster referring to the film),
All her life, she will chain the successes of the style.
For example, the first CD from France.
While this invention was still unknown to the general public.
Gloria Estefan CDs, then DVDs, free places to attend shows, including the discovery pass (tourist) via France Bleue radio.
(A pass that allowed you to make several family outings for free: Volerie des Aigles, Montagne des Singes, Serres aux Papillons, Saut du Doubs by barge then on foot, the archaeological site of Grand and its Gallo-Roman remains, ... )
It's even thanks to my mom that I'm drawn,
Among 7,000 postcards,
In order to participate and celebrate his 10th birthday during "Papy Brossard's birthday snacks",
During the TF1 program, "Club Dorothée" broadcast live on TF1, Wednesday October 19, 1988,
Presented by Dorothée, Ariane, Jacky, Corbier, Patrick Simpson-John, Les Muscles, ...
In addition to this, still in 88, she will win a game show on France 3,Where it was necessary to find the pairs of cards turned over, an all-inclusive trip (all inclusive, in English), in Greece!
(It will take place on their wedding anniversary, June 25)
Visit to the program: Athens and the Acropolis, various museums, Mycenae, Delphi, ...
Up there, while she is playing darts for the first time, she will still win something.
Even beating someone who had been practicing this activity, assiduously, for years. ^^'
Years later, then, that Ludovic is 19 years old.
It is still his mother who wins, via the "Jeu des Merchants" of his city, Champigneulles, a bottle of champagne. As well as a first flight in a ULM for him which took place in Eulmont (unpublished!)
Later, while Ludovic participates in the reality show,
"La Belle & Her princes, season 1“, the heroine of the show, Marine Boudou, asks the prod to bring the relatives of the candidates. In order to detect if they were lying to her or hiding something.
The improbable happened. Seen thatmy parents, Roger & Pauline, created the surprise by going there, being filmed there, even going so far as to be interviewed in the confessional.
Born on Wednesday November 17, 1948, in Meurthe & Moselle (54),
is the father of two sons, Éric & Ludovic.
Outstanding autodidact, adorable dad,
he is above all a benevolent, upright, just, and good-natured man.
Very intuitive person.
During his life, he was able to stand out in several professions and activities.
Regarding occupations,
He did,
Delivery man,
Then, Paramedic since the beginning of the 70s until his retirement.
Work to which he was able to have access after the resumption of long continuous studies,
(which represents in equivalence one year of medicine),
Where he finished in the top 10, to the result.
Every year of good & loyal service, every quarter, he passes aptitude & knowledge tests.
Where in 99% of cases, following these obligatory passages, it will come out, in "Hors-Catégorie"!
Understand by this, among the best rated in his work, notes concerning him that will have exceeded 20 out of 20.
The highest he received being a magical 23.26 out of 20!
Suffice to say that the patients, served by this good daddy, were well secured, with the confidence of being listened to, understood and taken into account in a professional and humane way.
Because, in addition, on the bonhomie side, the Family of Ludovic JACQUEMER, is usually there ^^
Alongside this course, he continues his hobbies:
amateur bodybuilding,
Cycling (for which he is quoted and photographed in an article in L'Est Républicain),
Football in semi-pro, (by which, activity, unless I am mistaken, during the year 1976,
him & his team, win the regional cup)
I repeat myself, but you will have understood it, in the family of Ludovic "Séant", we are hard workers.
Son of Raymond JACQUEMER,
Resistant FFI,
Trained mechanic,
who will escape twice, including once from a work camp based in Alençon, with Allied soldiers.
(On Eulmont, there is a commemorative stele, where the family name is mentioned there)
As an anecdote, you should know that:
° While there is no soldier in the family, Roger JACQUEMER sees his mother, Marcelle, brought by the priest of the city of Lay-Saint-Christophe to the Sédillot Military Hospital, where he will be born.
° Raymond JACQUEMER, meanwhile, bears the first name Raymond, because Pupil of the Nation, his father having died during the First World War, his godfather will be the President of the Republic, Raymond Poincaré.
Hence the choice of the first name that will be given to him at baptism.
° Out of respect for his private life and in order to respect my brother's choice, I only mention his first name.
Pauline JACQUEMER, will die during the month of June 2016,
Roger JACQUEMER, him, during the month of April of the year 2018.
To these extraordinary parents, adorable, and loved by all, a beautiful & deep thought!